0:45 – The different categories a bad coach can fall under.
1:11 – The specifics of coaching lacrosse goalies.
1:45 – Showing incentive.
2:20 – Building a relationship with your coach.
2:48 – Lacrosse goalies getting proactive.
3:23 – Save percentage counts the most.
4:00 – The adoption of new techniques can be slow, but keep trying.

Adopting new techniques can be slow, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t working. Keep trying.


Hey everybody. Coach Edwards here with LacrosseGoalieTips.com and LacrosseGoalieUniversity.com, and this week I got a question on how we should deal with bad lacrosse coaches. Specifically, how do you deal with bad goalie coaches.

This came from a few weeks ago, my post about why stepping to the ball is wrong. I got a lot of great feedback from that, a lot of emails. Thank you. A lot of good comments and facebook shares. But the question came from, well what do I do if my coach either is a bad coach or is teaching me different stuff?

Categories of Bad Lacrosse Coaches

On the telesemenar I did in the month of April, I talked about this a great deal. I’m just going to touch on it here. Bad coaches go in a couple of categories. One, there are coaches who are just bad. That’s really unfortunate, but not uncommon. There are a lot of coaches out there who mean well but they’re overwhelmed. A lot of coaches are volunteers and they’ve got all sorts of stuff to deal with. They’ve got time jobs, they’ve got kids to deal with, and then they’ve got to figure out offense, defense, and goalies.

Coaching Lacrosse Goalies

Usually what happens with the goalies is that a lot of coaches don’t know what to do anyway, so they just let the goalies do their own thing. That’s one category of coach. The second category of coach is a coach that is teaching bad stuff, and that can either be out of their own ignorance, they just don’t know what they don’t know, or they’ve got outdated information. That’s the whole reason why Lacrosse Goalie Tips exists. It’s because I want to help you have up to date, cutting edge information, and I’m not afraid to buck the old school “stepping to the ball” mentality that really hasn’t improved over the years while the game has changed.

Lacrosse Coaches Should  Treat You Better If You Want To Learn

With those two categories of coaches, I find that with my Lacrosse Goalie University members, I’ll actually be in communication with some of our goalie’s coaches. Not all of them but some of them. What I find are a lot of coaches are thankful to know that their goalie is taken care of by somebody who knows what they’re doing. If you’re a goalie who is going out and you are seeking information and you are going to camps, and you are proactive, then your coach is going to coach you differently than if you were just a bump on the log and you’re not doing anything.

Building A Relationship With Your Coach

If you’re a parent or a coach or an athlete who is listening to this video, you’re of the more proactive type. What I recommend is get with your coach. You really need to have that relationship with your coach in so many ways. The goalie in so many ways needs to have a relationship with their coach. Talk to your coach, and say, “Hey listen, Coach, this is how I was taught to do this,” or, “I’m working with Jonathan at Lacrosse Goalie Tips and I’m a member of Lacrosse Goalie University, whatever.

Get Proactive

This year I worked with a college goalie who the team invested in my  coaching package, and every month we did a goalie critique. I was in correspondence with the coaches about that goalie and ways to improve, not just for the goalie, but we also got into dealing with defenses and slides and clears and things like that, which is something that I’ve done in the past as well. If you are a proactive goalie and you can go to your coach, you really need to have some sort of relationship with them. Say, “Listen Coach, this is what I’m working on, this is what I need to do.”

Save Percentage Counts Most

The third type of coach is just a stubborn SOB who just doesn’t want to learn and doesn’t have the timefor you. If you’ve got a coach like that, I feel for you, but here’s the thing. If you are working on technique things, or your coach is telling you you should be moving to the ball differently than what I’m telling you or than another coach is telling you, the bottom line is what’s happening to your save percentage. Is your save percentage improving? Yes or no. That is really the indicator on if your technique is working for you, with one caveat.

Adopting New Techniques Can Be Slow

If you’re trying something new and you fail for a little bit and you get bad results, that doesn’t mean the technique is bad, it just means your adoption of the new technique is slow. Keep that in mind. You’re going to fall into one of those three categories of coaches. I hope that you can develop a relationship with your coach where you say, “Hey, listen, this is what I’m learning, this is what I’m doing, this is what I’m trying,” and that coach says, “All right, let’s try it for a little bit, let’s see if it works, and if not let’s change things and move ahead.” In the end there’s no right or wrong, there’s just learning, so stay positive and stay cool with it, and it all should be good.


If you’ve got a question or a clarification on this, email me at CoachEdwards@LacrosseGoalieTips.com. I hope your season is going fantastic. To all of my Lacrosse Goalie University members out there, hello and thanks for watching. As always, 4 newvideos on Lacrosse Goalie University for our members, so check it out. Be sure to get on the free teleseminar. If you can’t make it live, make sure you sign up to get the free audio. I’m here to help and I love it, I love sharing it with you and I’m glad you’re here listening. Talk to you soon. Cheers.




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