Do You Play Multiple Sports?  You Should.

Do You Play Multiple Sports? You Should.

Dom Starsia, the head lacrosse coach at the University of Virginia is notorious for recruiting “athletes” who play lacrosse and not just lacrosse players. And any strength and conditioning coach worth his salt will tell you that a well-rounded...

The Lacrosse Goalie Of The Future – Part 1

 1:23 – Lacrosse is constantly changing and needs some improvements. 1:55 – With the improvements in technology, goalies need to catch up. 3:27 – Things need to change, because lacrosse goalies are in danger. 4:12 – Protection isn’t keeping up with the velocity...
How To Stop Stick Side High Shots

How To Stop Stick Side High Shots

Coach Edwards gives tips to goalies on how to stop stick side high shots. He explains how he has also had similar problems, and gives advice on how to get reactive, explosive, and bait the ball so you can up your game and make the saves. 0:54 – Remember the 3 Keys of...
How To Stop More Shots Down Low

How To Stop More Shots Down Low

Coach Edwards gives tips on how goalies can stop more shots down low. He explains the importance of staying safe and protected, and offers strategies on improving their game. Coach covers probability of a shot, adjusting your stance, staying protected, and...

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