I’ve gone on record saying that we don’t really have a legit ‘pro’ level in our sport.
Yes, we have the PLL. But…
…It looks like a professional sport but it really isn’t.
My definition of professional sport is that athletes are able to make a living competing in their sport AND there are dollars spent on research to make the SPORT better. Not just the equipment.
Any research that has improved lacrosse has really come from outside of lacrosse. Other sports. Other athletes.
With that, I’ve also been on record saying that the current level of goalie in college and pro lacrosse is NOT the best example of what can be. You only have to look at athletes from other sports to see the gaps in a lacrosse goalie development.
And while I love to see goalies making big saves, it’s often from the goals that go in and the bad plays where we learn.
And that’s what I’m about…I want the lacrosse goalie of the future to be better than the goalies of today. The goalies of the future will have to save percentages that are improving. The lacrosse goalie of the future isn’t going to be happy with a 40 something percent save percentage in a national championship.
So in today’s video, we’re going to look at some pro goalies looking silly IMO. They can be better.
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Coach Edwards
Head Coach
Olympian Jonathan Edwards is "Coach Edwards". He runs the longest consecutively running lacrosse goalie blog on the planet. He is the "behind the scenes goalie mind" for some of the top lacrosse goalies on the planet and he has worked with lacrosse goalies from Junior High, to the PLL. He coaches goalies privately, year round, via video and phone through his Lacrosse Goalie University goalie coaching program. Don't wait for the summer to get to a camp and don't hire some local college kid who is home on break. Get unbiased goalie coaching from the coach who is changing the game, one goalie at a time.
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