Hey there. Jonathan Edwards here from LacrosseGoalieTips.com. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve written because I’ve been super-busy revamping the membership section of the site and watching the Tour De France. I’ve been a fan since the early eighties and am just glued to the television when it’s on.

But watching the tour reminded me of the worst sport you could possibly play as a lacrosse goalie and that is Cross Country Running. And it’s especially true for women. Let me explain…

You see, on the scale of “explosive sports” to “non-explosive sports” you would have being a goalie in any sport on one side, and running long distances on the other. This is why I always say that most lacrosse teams spend waaay too much time running long distances and not enough on short sprints. For the goalies it’s even more important.

Running long distances uses slow-twitch type muscle fibers and as a goalie we don’t really want to be developing those. We want to develop our fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Sure, you want to stay in shape, but running long distances is not the way to do it. Play soccer, or football, or field hockey. I’d rather see you work on short bursts of speed and building your strength. If your school has some sort of weightlifting program that can also help. I’ve never seen a goalie who didn’t improve by working on their strength levels.

So, if you’re signed up for Cross Country this fall…umm…how do I say this… pick something else!



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